The next steps
The next step is for the donor to report to the IVF Center you have selected. On arrival the donor will show her driver license or passport to the IVF Center, who will match her idientity to the Profile Form you have
received form us, to verify she is the donor you have selected.
The next step is for her on the same day to undergo a medical assessment in order to confirm her readiness to donate. In some IVF Centers, this is also followed by a Psychological assessemnt For more information about
the psychological assessment please refer to Appendix D. It can take anywhere between 2-3 weeks to get an appointment, sometimes longer, depending on how busy your chosen clinic is.
The medical assessment needs to be done each time she donates, irrespective of whether it has been done before. Should the donor fail her medical or psychological assessment, or withdraw her participation in the donation
prior to egg retrieval, we will replace the donor with another donor of your choice at no additional charge.
Once ok’ed by both the psychologist and the doctor (and the blood results come back ok – usually takes about a week for the blood results to come through), the clinic will make contact with you and discuss
the next steps in the treatment plan for you and your donor. At this point, your chosen fertility clinic takes over the coordination, communication and control of your treatment plan, but we are here to support you all
the way through the process!
So, the whole process takes between 8-10 weeks from the time you pick a donor until the donation happens, sometimes a little shorter or longer depending on how long it takes the donor to get through all the initial
medical screening, and how ‘in sync’ your cycles are.