Embrace the Empowerment of Egg Donation

Position yourself for future success while bestowing the gift of life upon intended parents. Choose Indian Egg Donors for your egg donation journey, where a comprehensive screening process will determine your base compensation and additional perks throughout your experience.

As one of the top 5% of egg donor candidates nationwide, you’ll enjoy generous compensation, emotional rewards, and heartfelt thank-you gifts. At Indian Egg Donors, you’re more than just a number — your dedicated coordinator will closely collaborate with you, ensuring your needs are met and providing the smoothest, most gratifying experience possible.

If you are an intelligent, accomplished, healthy, and caring young woman eligible for egg donation, we warmly invite you to join our competitive egg donor network at Indian Egg Donors.

Egg Donation Criteria

Discover the Requirements for Egg Donation

  • If you have an IUD, but it's NON- HORMONAL you can apply, otherwise it will disqualify you. Implanon shot will disqualify you as well.
  • You CANNOT have family history of clinical depression
  • Should have at least 1 year of college. We welcome candidates with advanced educational degrees including MS, MSc, MBBS, MBA, and Ph.D. This is a great opportunity to earn some extra money.
  • Matrimonial issues are not relevant. You can be single, married or divorced, with or without children.
  • You must be height/weight proportionate. Please use the BMI calculator to make sure your BMI is lower than 27.

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